A new project has been launched by Gwynedd Council in response to recent challenging times when it became apparent that there was a need to work with businesses to develop their digital platform.
The year-long project will give up to 65 hospitality businesses and food and drink producers located in Gwynedd the opportunity to take advantage of specialist support to improve their digital skills, and upgrade their digital platform. The scheme will work with Superfast Business Wales in order to identify the specific digital needs of a business, and then offer training and mentoring sessions to meet those needs.
The training will be tailored specifically to the businesses that are part of the scheme, and will include a wide range of digital subjects, for example:
Creating a digital marketing strategy
Create or upgrade social media content and using it effectively
Improve websites and creating attractive content
Analysing digital data and using it to strengthen the business
Digital advertising
Creating videos for digital marketing
Create or upgrading an online sales platform
Digital security and GDPR
Improving digital skills in general
Support to improve Welsh language provision and create a digital sense of the area
Gwynedd Council will also work closely with Arloesi Gwynedd Wledig projects to promote collaboration between hospitality businesses and local food and drink producers, and to strengthen the supply chain. We will also encourage businesses to promote the rich culture and heritage of the area to attract new customers.
The scheme will run until June 2023. For more information contact Siwan Evans on 01286 679394 or by email PlatfformDigidol@gwynedd.llyw.cymru
For more information, visit their website HERE.
