We caught up with Lauren towards the end of her placement to ask her a couple of questions about her time at the Sustainable Scale Up Cluster.
Hey Lauren, what have you been up to at the Sustainable Scale Up Cluster during your placement?
I have been researching different concepts relevant to the start-up businesses involved within the Sustainable Scale Up Cluster. I have created a report on commercial property analysing the cheapest and most expensive areas to rent in Wales. Also, I have researched the price changes in commodities and how they have varied across the years and analysing how these affected the businesses in the cluster.
How do you think the Student Placement Programme has helped in terms of setting you up for starting your career?
It has provided me with a realistic expectation of the workplace and if I was to start my own businesses I have a lot more knowledge of the process and the risk associated. I have managed to communicate with a lot of talented and experienced people of all different backgrounds. This has allowed me to ask questions about certain sectors and informed me of different options and career routes which I can follow. The communication side has helped me, as I now feel confident to approach and reach out to companies when looking for a graduate job.
It always makes things a little easier when you have a team around you that you feel confident to ask questions. What skills have you learned while being on placement at the SSU Cluster?
I have learnt a lot of skills from software to general skills. My excel skills have improved massively and I now understand more formulas and feel a lot more confident when analysing and presenting data. My ability to use Microsoft Teams and Zoom effectively have improved as with hybrid working this is relevant to any job when communicating with colleagues.
Finally, would you recommend the Student Placement Programme to other students and why?
I would recommend the Student Placement Programme to other students because you can experience hands on learning rather than lectures. This allows you to utilise previous lecture material and observe how this is put into practice in a work environment. Also, you have the chance to learn about a new industry which could inspire you for future careers, you would not get this kind of experience and knowledge by sitting in lectures. You get to work with a great group of people and listen to all their previous jobs and careers, this opens your eyes up to the opportunities out there and provides you with good connections and network in the future.

Lauren learnt a huge amount during her placement in the Sustainable Scale Up Cluster team. She absorbed a lot of information during her placement - not only in building her understanding of the Food & Drink industry in Wales, delivering good outputs in line with requirements that were set, but also in adjusting and contributing well to office life.
Lauren will now be able to approach future roles in the workplace with confidence. She made a positive impact in our SSU Cluster team, and will be missed.